The Sticky component is a container that "sticks" to an edge of the browser window as it is scrolled. It is typically used for navigation elements or important messages that should remain in sight as the user scrolls. It should be used sparingly only when the contents are important, because it takes up space and distracts the user.
<div style={{border: '1px solid black', height: '1000px'}}><Sticky.Container><Sticky><span>This is an example of a default Sticky.Borders provide visual clarity to see exactly when this sticks/unsticks.</span><div>Warning: Sticky components MUST be a direct child of a StickyContainer.Nesting it deeper than that will not work.</div></Sticky></Sticky.Container></div>
<div style={{display: 'flex', border: '1px solid black', height: '1000px'}}><div style={{display: 'flex', flexFlow: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-around'}}><div id="topAnchor">The top of this element is being used as a top anchor.</div><div id="bottomAnchor">The bottom of this element is being used as a bottom anchor.</div></div><Sticky.Container><Sticky topAnchor="topAnchor" bottomAnchor="bottomAnchor:bottom"><span>This is an example of a Sticky that has anchors. This is done by passing a stringcontaining an element id into the topAnchor and/or bottomAnchor prop(s).The top or bottom of the element can be specified to be used by appending :topor :bottom after the id name in an anchor prop, e.g. "exampleAnchor:bottom". If neithertop nor bottom is specified, the anchor will default to the top of the element.</span></Sticky></Sticky.Container></div>
<div style={{display: 'flex', border: '1px solid black', height: '1000px'}}><div style={{display: 'flex', flexFlow: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-around'}}><div id="topAnchor3">The top of this element is being used as a top anchor.</div><div id="bottomAnchor3">The bottom of this element is being used as a bottom anchor.</div></div><Sticky.Container><Sticky stickToBottom topAnchor="topAnchor3" topOffset={50} bottomAnchor="bottomAnchor3:bottom" bottomOffset={-50}><span>This is an example of a Sticky that has offsets.This is done by passing a number into the topOffset and/or bottomOffset prop(s).These two props allow you to fine tune sticking/unstickinga distance in px with respect to the anchors.</span></Sticky></Sticky.Container></div>
<div style={{border: '1px solid black', height: '1000px'}}><Sticky.Container><header style={{width: '100%', height: '100px'}} id="header">This is a mock header. <br /> This example shows off how one wouldimplement the common use case of making a sticky nav menu.</header><Sticky topAnchor="header:bottom"><nav style={{width: '100%'}}><ul><li style={{display: 'inline-block', padding: '0 10px'}}>Nav Item 1</li><li style={{display: 'inline-block', padding: '0 10px'}}>Nav Item 2</li><li style={{display: 'inline-block', padding: '0 10px'}}>Nav Item 3</li></ul></nav></Sticky><div><p><Lipsum p={1} /></p><p><Lipsum p={2} /></p><p><Lipsum p={3} /></p></div></Sticky.Container></div>